Phenomenal Disaster

Research Tools and Sources for
Phenomenal Disaster:
America’s Deadliest Forest Fire

(External links open in New Tab.)
Google Earth –
Used to visualize the large area of hundreds of square miles in 3D, to examine the timing and to organize survivor accounts by location.
Phenomenal Disaster KMZ or Google Earth Screen shot

If you have Google Earth you can view my kmz file – download;
This is a very busy file that I’m in the process of cleaning up and working on an explanation of it’s contents.

Earth Impact Effects Program
The version used for the book to estimate different impact scenarios;

Here is a newer “user friendly” version called Impact: Earth

Hear what a bolide or large exploding meteor sounds like;
Now compare that terrifying sound to 1871 survivors describing the sounds as blast, thunder, artillery, detonations.

Royal Society of Chemistry
Science Demonstrations;
Magnesium Burning in Water

Magnesium Reacting with Sand

Iron Combustion Products

Sources/Works Cited for
Phenomenal Disaster: America’s Deadliest Forest Fire